Season each liberally with salt and pepper then set aside
To make most of this work in harmony is no little endeavor. Whether from recipes or you're imaginations it's the crux of all cooking. To fail or diminish anyone of those elements would end in a dish that is not complete. And in contrast, to enhance or more emphasize anyone of these elements and would end up in a dish that is off balance also probably not so appealing. So how do you realize whenever you buy it right? Is there a formula or system of measuring these elements which could insure all the pieces of the mystery are in place? No, you simply know when it operates. Although the remainder of those factors is crucial, the right answer is up to you personally. Let your self go and become the dish or as was first said in Caddyshack "Make sure the ball!" Allow your perceptions tell you what's happening in that pot or pan. Scent, style, appearance as well as listen to this food since it cooks. It has a excellent story to tell if you allow it. #4 Learn About the ...